New Brooklyn waterfront

A vision of New York, submerged by water, torn apart by climate change. Goijira is a monstrous creature in size and strength, who is trying to save some skyscrapers from the water, giving back energy to the unlit city. 
Goijira is a method, a strategy. With it we can resist to the problems faced by cities of the 21st century. It starts from a metropolitan scale to work in a local neighbourhood frame. 
A public infrastructure that occupies unlit areas to connect and unite urban spaces, rehabilitating and bringing them to a future of renewable energy resources and technical innovation. Specifically, we approached the industrial area of Sunset Park, inserting in it our main project. An infrastructure in which many layered activities coexist. A scientific campus, common work areas, an indoor market, a parking area, a bus stop and a tramway station, all adjacent to a gradual naturalization process of the facing pier.

Matteo Bertazzon, Davide Bertin, Denis Antonio Burci, Simone Giacchetto, Michele Prendini.

New Brooklyn waterfront